OPENEER will be launched at re:publica2008!

April 1st, 2008 by Stephan

Exciting times ahead! Tomorrow we leave to Berlin for this years re:publica. Giving talks, hanging out with the German digital intelligencia and having serious fun. An excellent opportunity to attract the early adopters to try out OPENEER. The first Open Collection for Extrem Emotional Reactions to Music, a Web2.0 style platform gathering personal experiences with music on a worldwide scale. Why? If you think about designing and implementing the next generation Uber-recommenders you encounter a major bottleneck: There is few knowledge about the reasons for chills, thrills, strong emotional reactions when listening to contemporary music including the alignment of personal episodes to the lyrics. Although some good research in musicpsychology has been undertaken to decode these effects with respect to structural features in classical music, we still miss a large scale knowledge base.

With OPENEER we want to offer the possibility to volunteers to share their personal experiences in order to enable research based on this groundwork. Call it crowdsourcing or collective intelligence, we dont mind, we GO FOR IT!

OPENEER is here! Play around with it!

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