ALOE in Berlin

March 31st, 2008 by Martin

It’s always nice to go to Berlin, and when it’s because of the re:publica, that’s even better! The re:publica is a conference for bloggers and other net citizens, and this year’s motto is “Die kritische Masse” - “The critical mass”. The ability of the mass to contribute with criticism is a very interesting topic, of course also in the context of ALOE. The quality of metadata will become more and more important in what is often refered to as the “Web3.0″. How can this metadata be genreated? Do we trust the generators? How can we contribute with different opinions? I will also talk about this in two presentations on Thursday and Friday, slides will be available when I’m back from Berlin!

Thanks a lot to Martin!

March 31st, 2008 by Martin

Last Friday, our intern Martin Uhlíř left us after spending 6 months in the ALOE team.

Martin Uhlir

Martin did some great work for ALOE, we thank him a lot and wish him all the best for his time in Cordoba!


March 3rd, 2008 by Martin

ALOE will be presented at CeBIT 2008 in Hannover this week! You can find us at the DFKI stand (B37) in hall 9. Rafael Schirru will be there from Monday to Wednesday, and you can meet me on Friday, where I will also give a talk about some of the ideas behind ALOE as part of the so called “future talks” in the CeBIT future parc. The talk will be in German and is called “Schöne neue Metadatenwelt - Experten, Computer und User Generated Content”. It will take place on Friday from 4.30-5.00 pm.

By the way: A CeBIT instance of ALOE with resources about the DFKI exhibits, future talks and much more can be found here. Check in!

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