Web 3.0: Convergence of Web 2.0 and the Semantic Web
The World Wide Web (WWW) has drastically improved access to digitally stored information. However, content in the WWW has so far only been machine-readable but not machineunderstandable. Since information in the WWW is mostly represented in natural language, the available documents are only fully understandable by human beings. The Semantic Web is based on the content-oriented description of digital documents with standardized vocabularies that provide machine understandable semantics. The result is the transformation from a Web of Links into a Web of Meaning/Semantic Web [1]. On the other hand, the traditional Web 1.0 has recently undergone an orthogonal shift into a Web of People/Web 2.0 where the focus is set on folksonomies, collective intelligence, and the wisdom of groups (see arrow B in Fig. 1). Only the combined muscle of semantic web technologies and broad user participation will ultimately lead to a Web 3.0, with completely new business opportunities in all segments of the ITC market.
Wolfgang Wahlster, Andreas Dengel et al
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License (CC BY-NC-SA)
Catch me if you can
Now here is one!
Web information retrieval is significantly more challenging than traditional well controlled,
small document collection information retrieval. One main difference between traditional information retrieval and Web information retrieval is the Web's hyperlink structure. This structure has been exploited by several of today's leading Web search engines, particularly Google and Teoma. In this survey paper, we focus on Web information retrieval methods that use eigenvector
computations, presenting the three popular methods of HITS, PageRank, and SALSA.
From Web to Social Web: Discovering and Deploying User and Content Profiles WebMine 2006
Workshop on Web Mining, WebMine 2006, Berlin, Germany, September 18, 2006. Revised Selected and Invited Papers
The state of the art in Linked Data
A literature survey on Linked Data for a spring 2009 class at the Tetherless World Constellation.
Joshua Shinavier ,
Link mining: A survey
Many datasets of interest today are best described as a linked collection of interrelated objects. These may represent homogeneous networks, in which there is a single-object type and link type, or richer, heterogeneous networks, in which there may be multiple object and link types (and possibly other semantic information). Examples of homogeneous networks include single mode social networks, such as people connected by friendship links, or the WWW, a collection of linked web pages. Examples of heterogeneous networks include those in medical domains describing patients, diseases, treatments and contacts, or in bibliographic domains describing publications, authors, and venues. Link mining refers to data mining techniques that explicitly consider these links when building predictive or descriptive models of the linked data. Commonly addressed link mining tasks include object ranking, group detection, collective classification, link prediction and subgraph discovery. While network analysis has been studied in depth in particular areas such as social network analysis, hypertext mining, and web analysis, only recently has there been a cross-fertilization of ideas among these different communities. This is an exciting, rapidly expanding area. In this article, we review some of the common emerging themes.
Lise Getoor, Christopher P. Diehl
Roundhay Garden Scene
The earliest celluloid film was shot by Louise Le Prince using the Le Prince single-lens camera made in 1888. It was taken in the garden of the Whitley family house in Oakwood Grange Road, Roundhay, a suburb of Leeds, Yorkshire, Great Britain, possibly on October 14, 1888. It shows Adolphe Le Prince (Le Prince's son), Mrs. Sarah Whitley, (Le Prince's mother-in-law), Joseph Whitley and Miss Harriet Hartley. The 'actors' are shown walking around in circles, laughing to themselves and keeping within the area framed by the camera. It lasts for less than 2 seconds and includes 24 frames.
Louis Aimé Augustin Le Prince
Epiphany is a web service using domain-speciï¬c linked data for generating RDFa in web pages.
Benjamin Adrian
Attribution License (CC BY)
What every Product Owner should know
For this level of performance, we need something else. The Product Owner role is the key
to unlocking this level of performance. Their collaboration with their customers and team
allow for better decisions to be made.
Carlo Kruger
RequestBin — Collect and inspect HTTP requests, debug webhooks
AI: A Modern Approach
Russel & Norvig
The Technology | Twine
Technology backbone of twine.
Introducing Twine, the smartest way to organize, share and discover information about your interests.
Querying linked data with sparql
This slideset was part of our "How to consume Linked Data" tutorial at the International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC),
olaf hartig
An Introduction to Least Commitment Planing
4store Amazon Machine Image and Billion Triple Challenge Data Set « Think Links
As part of our entry to the 2009 Billion Triple Challenge (BTC), we have been using two pieces of great infrastructure: Amazon Web Services and the quad store – 4store. Today, we are making publicly available an Amazon Machine Image for 4store. Additionally, we are making an Elastic Block Storage snapshot of the BTC dataset for 4store. Thus, developers can easily get started using 4store with a billion triples on Amazon’s cloud.
Resource Description Framework (RDF) | drupal.org
This module provides comprehensive RDF functionality and interoperability for the Drupal 6.x platform. For more information, read the introductory posting or watch the demo video. Be sure to subscribe to the Semantic Web group on groups.drupal.org to keep up with the latest happenings.
JUNG Java Universal Network/Graph Framework
JUNG - the Java Universal Network/Graph Framework--is a software library that provides a common and extendible language for the modeling, analysis, and visualization of data that can be represented as a graph or network. It is written in Java, which allows JUNG-based applications to make use of the extensive built-in capabilities of the Java API, as well as those of other existing third-party Java libraries.
Concept map "Planning"
Concept map specifying topics that should be covered by students in the Planning seminar
Oleg Rostanin
DFB-Pokal: FCK zu stark für Leverkusen
Jupp Heynckes muss den Traum vom ersten DFB-Pokal-Triumph seiner Trainerlaufbahn für diese Saison begraben. Sein Team Bayer Leverkusen blamierte sich mit einem 1:2 (0:1) beim 1. FC Kaiserslautern am Mittwochabend in der zweiten Runde.
BLOGIC; or, Now What's in a Link?. (ISWC 2009 Invited Talk)
Putting logic on the Web has seemed like an intellectual one-way street: the logic was all worked out a century ago or more, the technology is 20 years old, and we are simply dealing with the dirty practical business of putting it into XML and getting it onto the Web. But there needs to be some intellectual traffic in the other direction. When logic meets the Web we have to re-think several of the basic assumptions of logic itself, to the point that it should be seen as a new subject, with a new name: blogic. This talk surveys several foundational issues in blogic that either never arose previously in logic, or have to now be reconsidered, focussing particularly on issues arising from linked data and the need for an 'intimatelyRelatedButMaybeNotActuallySameAs' relation.
Pat Hayes
Home - empolis
empolis GmbH
jblas Linear Algebra for Java
jblas is a fast linear algebra library for Java. jblas is based on BLAS and LAPACK, the de-facto industry standard for matrix computations, and uses state-of-the-art implementations like ATLAS for all its computational routines, making jBLAS very fast.
Proceedings ISemantics and IMedia
Technische Universität Kaiserslautern
Linked Data Specifications
There are a couple of specifications (specs) around that are relevant to the Linked Data Web. This site aims to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date listing of the relevant specs.
Michael Hausenblas
CEN WS-LT Social Data
Pseudolus Satiremagazin von und mit Dr. Satori
zum Schmökern
Dr. Satori
(Concept Map) Semantic Search at DFKI KM
an attempt to collect all technology, projects, persons which contribute to Semantic Search
Heiko Maus
Navigating Personal Information Repositories with Weblog Authoring and Concept Mapping
Call for Papers: International Workshop on 'Ontology-Driven Software Engineering'
OOPSLA 2009 Call For Papers
Flash als Test
Klerines File aus dem SAGE Weihnachtskalender 2007
Amy Winehouse
MACE reality mash-up
This application developed by OUNL (Stefaan Ternier) uses the android phone compass to overlay MACE artefacts that are close to you (in the movie it is the police station in Heerlen). It currently only shows a little description of the MACE object, but that could easily be turned into an image, or even a 3D object that floats on the screen.
AG Softwaretechnik
NetworkX v1.3
NetworkX is a Python package for the creation, manipulation, and study of the structure, dynamics, and functions of complex networks.
YouTube - "Fisting Attacks"
Take care everyone!
Vorlesungsfolien - Planung
Übersichtsfolien über Planung
PersonalfragebogenHiwi.pdf (application/pdf-Objekt)
Course Generation as a Hierarchical Task Network Planning Problem
Dissertation von Carsten Ullrich
sig.ma - Semantic Information MAshup
Live, embeddable information summaries from sites which use RDF, RDFa or Microformats.
Use it in your Blog, Tweets or as an API
Take only hand luggage with Alitalia! - Official anti-Alitalia (Watch Dog) site
Bob Vido: total creative music
Space ships landing on beaches, large portraits of matronly women, and banshee-wailing music to make your hair curl: this is the world of the mysterious Robert Zaprian Tchomoneff Vidoloff, aka Bob Vido, outsider artist and musician.
Bob Vido
Ausarbeitng zum Thema Hierarchical Task Network planning
Overview über HTN-Planning
XLWrap – Spreadsheet-to-RDF Wrapper
XLWrap is a spreadsheet-to-RDF wrapper which is capable of transforming spreadsheets to arbitrary RDF graphs based on a mapping specification. It supports Microsoft Excel and OpenDocument spreadsheets such as comma- (and tab-) separated value (CSV) files and it can load local files or download remote files via HTTP.
Andreas Langegger