MACE reality mash-up

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Added by Martin on 2009-08-21 11:22

» Viewed 704 times
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License: unknown

Creator(s): OUNL

This application developed by OUNL (Stefaan Ternier) uses the android phone compass to overlay MACE artefacts that are close to you (in the movie it is the police station in Heerlen). It currently only shows a little description of the MACE object, but that could easily be turned into an image, or even a 3D object that floats on the screen.

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  • If you have an android phone, you need to download gamaray from the google market and next point your browser to: » more...
    posted by Martin on 2009-08-21 11:24


    If you have an android phone, you need to download gamaray from the google market and next point your browser to: Great!!!
MACE reality mash-up This application developed by OUNL (Stefaan Ternier) uses the android phone compass to overlay MACE artefacts that are close to you (in the movie it is the police station in Heerlen). It currently only shows a little description of the MACE object, but that could easily be turned into an image, or even a 3D object that floats on the screen. OUNL