Commercial Visual Analytics Systems - Advances in the Big Data Analytics Field
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Added by Martin on 2021-05-25 21:20
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Creator(s): Michael Behrisch, Dirk Streeb, Florian Stoffel, Daniel Seebacher, Brian MatejekStefan Hagen Weber, Sebastian Mittelst ̈adt, Hanspeter Pfister, Daniel Keim
Five years after the first state-of-the-art report on Commercial Visual Analytics Systems we present a reevaluation of the Big Data Analytics field. We build on the success of the 2012 survey, which was influential even beyond the boundaries of the InfoVis and Visual Analytics (VA) community. While the field has matured significantly since the original survey, we find that innovation and research-driven development are increasingly sacrificed to satisfy a wide range of user groups. We evaluate new product versions on established evaluation criteria, such as available features, performance, and usability, to extend on and assure comparability with the previous survey. We also investigate previously unavailable products to paint a more complete picture of the commercial VA landscape. Furthermore, we introduce novel measures, like suitability for specific user groups and the ability to handle complex data types, and undertake a new case study to highlight innovative features. We explore the achievements in the commercial sector in addressing VA challenges and propose novel developments that should be on systems’ roadmaps in the coming years.