Using SVG with CSS3 and HTML5, 1st Edition [Book]

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Added by Martin on 2017-04-27 15:02

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Unlike other image formats, SVG can be an interactive part of your web site, integrated in HTML5 markup or created dynamically using JavaScript. It can be styled by CSS to instantly adapt to changes in your site's design. Flexible metadata options can make the graphics accessible to screen readers and search engines. And it is always displayed at the highest resolution possible, without requiring larger file sizes, making it ideal for both widescreen desktop displays and Retina mobile devices.

Using SVG with CSS3 and HTML5 starts with the basics, explaining how simple shapes and icons are defined in SVG, and then builds upon that foundation to create complex graphics and interactive, animated applications. It covers all the features you're likely to come across in web design, while avoiding areas with poor browser support.

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Using SVG with CSS3 and HTML5, 1st Edition [Book] Unlike other image formats, SVG can be an interactive part of your web site, integrated in HTML5 markup or created dynamically using JavaScript. It can be styled by CSS to instantly adapt to changes in your site's design. Flexible metadata options can make the graphics accessible to screen readers and search engines. And it is always displayed at the highest resolution possible, without requiring larger file sizes, making it ideal for both widescreen desktop displays and Retina mobile devices. Using SVG with CSS3 and HTML5 starts with the basics, explaining how simple shapes and icons are defined in SVG, and then builds upon that foundation to create complex graphics and interactive, animated applications. It covers all the features you're likely to come across in web design, while avoiding areas with poor browser support.