28 Pieces Of Street Art That Cleverly Interact With Their Surroundings | Bored Panda

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Added by Martin on 2014-05-28 08:59

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Street art is usually meant to disrupt its environment and to capture our attention, but the artists on this list practice a special technique that makes their artist even more eye-catching and playful – they tailor their art to its surroundings so that their (usually) 2D paintings seem to interact with their 3D surroundings. Oak Oak, Banksy, and Ernestas Zacharevičius are just a few examples of artists who regularly create awesome “interactive” street art.

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28 Pieces Of Street Art That Cleverly Interact With Their Surroundings | Bored Panda Street art is usually meant to disrupt its environment and to capture our attention, but the artists on this list practice a special technique that makes their artist even more eye-catching and playful – they tailor their art to its surroundings so that their (usually) 2D paintings seem to interact with their 3D surroundings. Oak Oak, Banksy, and Ernestas Zacharevičius are just a few examples of artists who regularly create awesome “interactive” street art.