AKSW : projects / ALOE

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  • Which text to add here??

Added by benbanbun on 2011-08-16 10:53

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The consumption of Linked Data is a task of increasing complexity on the Web of Data. This complexity is due to several factors, including the sheer size of the Web of Data, the diversity of vocabularies used to describe this data and the lack of schema information in knowledge bases. ALOE provide a semi-automatic solution to address this problem.

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  • Stealing our name :(
    posted by benbanbun on 2011-08-16 10:56
AKSW : projects / ALOE The consumption of Linked Data is a task of increasing complexity on the Web of Data. This complexity is due to several factors, including the sheer size of the Web of Data, the diversity of vocabularies used to describe this data and the lack of schema information in knowledge bases. ALOE provide a semi-automatic solution to address this problem.