SPAID: Storage and Packaging of Assessment Item Data : JISC

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Added by sansan on 2010-02-09 10:06

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  • Aims and Objectives The SPAID project will scope and implement services to enable the packaging of assessment items for storage in an item bank and the search... » more...
    posted by sansan on 2010-02-09 10:07


    Aims and Objectives The SPAID project will scope and implement services to enable the packaging of assessment items for storage in an item bank and the search and retrieval services necessary for the use of item banks. These services will facilitate the creation and usability of assessment item banks and the exchange of assessment resources. The specific objectives are to: * Create a content packaging service for assessment items in line with the IMS Question and Test Interoperability v2.0 specification, in particular the QTI v2.0 Integration Guide. * Create a customisable metadata tagger to allow packaged resources to be catalogued according to the user’s preferred Dublin Core metadata profile. * Create a usage data file generator in order to capture detailed and dynamic usage statistics as defined in the QTI v2.0 Meta-data and Usage Data document. * Construct sample item banks consisting of an XML database for storing metadata linked to a directory structure containing the items themselves and their associated resources; usage data will also be factored into this model. * Create a range of item bank web services to facilitate the searching of assessment item metadata and usage data and enable the storage and retrieval of assessment items. * Scope and report on that part of the assessment domain relevant to item banking. Project Staff Rowin Young (Project Manager: University of Strathclyde) Alexander Turnbull Building University of Strathclyde 155 George Street Glasgow G1 1RD Tel +44 (0) 141 548 2298 Fax +44 (0) 141 548 4216 Dave Adams (Project Manager: Scottish Qualifications Authority) Scottish Qualifications Authority Hanover House 24 Douglas Street Glasgow G2 7NQ Tel +44 (0) 141 242 2204 Fax +44 (0) 141 242 2244 Project Team Niall Sclater Sheila MacNeill Ian MacFarlane Scottish Qualifications Authority Sean Preston Scottish Qualifications Authority
SPAID: Storage and Packaging of Assessment Item Data : JISC