Signal/Collect: Graph Algorithms for the (Semantic) Web
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Added by benbanbun on 2010-11-09 10:57
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Creator(s): Philip Stutz, Abraham Bernstein, William W. Cohen
The Semantic Web graph is growing at an incredible pace, enabling opportunities to discover new knowledge by interlinking and analyzing previously unconnected data sets. This confronts researchers with a conundrum: Whilst the data is available the programming models that facilitate scalability and the infrastructure to run various algorithms on the graph are missing. Some use MapReduce - a good solution for many problems. However, even some simple iterative graph algorithms do not map nicely to that programming model requiring programmers to shoehorn their problem to the MapReduce model. This paper presents the Signal/Collect programming model for synchronous and asynchronous graph algorithms. We demonstrate that this abstraction can capture the essence of many algorithms on graphs in a concise and elegant way by giving Signal/Collect adaptations of various relevant algorithms. Furthermore, we built and evaluated a prototype Signal/Collect framework that executes algorithms in our pro- gramming model. We empirically show that this prototype transpar- ently scales and that guiding computations by scoring as well as asyn- chronicity can greatly improve the convergence of some example algorithms. We released the framework under the Apache License 2.0 (at