Social Semantic Bookmarking - PAKM - SlideShare

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Added by Steflm on 2008-12-09 13:39

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Creator(s): Valentin Zacharias

Social Semantic Bookmarking combines the positive aspects of
semantic annotation with those of social bookmarking and tagging while avoiding their respective drawbacks like the cumbersome maintenance of ontologies or the lacking semantic precision of tags. Social semantic bookmarking tools allow for the annotation of internet resources based on an
ontology and the integrated maintenance of the ontology by the same people that use it. We introduce Social Semantic Bookmarking and present the SOBOLEO application as an implementation of this paradigm.

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Social Semantic Bookmarking - PAKM - SlideShare Social Semantic Bookmarking combines the positive aspects of semantic annotation with those of social bookmarking and tagging while avoiding their respective drawbacks like the cumbersome maintenance of ontologies or the lacking semantic precision of tags. Social semantic bookmarking tools allow for the annotation of internet resources based on an ontology and the integrated maintenance of the ontology by the same people that use it. We introduce Social Semantic Bookmarking and present the SOBOLEO application as an implementation of this paradigm. Valentin Zacharias